These 5 Photography Business Tips Will Empower You To Succeed In Business

Mohit Bansal Chandigarh

If you’re creative and good at taking pictures, you might want to start your own business. You’re not the only one who wants to make money from their creative hobby. The problem is that photography is a popular job and hobby right now. Since camera gear has gotten cheaper and easier to use, and almost every smartphone now has a great camera, everyone can take pictures. But that doesn’t mean you should give up on your plans to open a photography business. It just means you might have to put in a little more effort to stand out from the crowd of other amateur shooters. To assist you in establishing yourself as a photographer, we solicited advice from a professional photographer, Mohit Bansal Chandigarh, who went out on his own.

Market Consistently Throughout The Week

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Marketing is one of the most complex parts of running a photography business. So, here are a few ways to get the word out about your photography business:

  • Use content marketing: This means making a piece of content, like a video or blog post, that solves a problem or answers a question. You are making values and answers based on whatever you know best. You are making consistent, reliable, helpful information that will catch your client’s eye.
  • Plan a collaboration shot: make new connections, share, and tag each other so their followers can become your followers and your followers can become their followers.
  • Help a good cause – Charity work is an integral part of branding for a photography business. It is the perfect time to get back into your community, help a charity your brand can stand behind, and photograph their event for free. Now, your picture will be in the newspaper, and you’ll also get to meet other vendors. So, it’s an excellent chance for you to have something to write about on your blog or share with your community to let them know that you’re still working as a photographer.
  • Make deals with local companies in your market – Relationships make partnerships work, so you should list businesses you think could work well with your brand and reach out to them. Mohit Bansal Chandigarh urges you to offer something you can do for them before you ask them to do something for you. It will help build trust in the relationship from the start. So, your partnership should be good for both of you.

Faster Delivery = Happy Clients.

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As the busy season gets going, you’ll find yourself falling further and further behind on editing, uploading for proofing, blogging, and sharing weddings. You know that email from your client asking, “When can we see our photos?” could come at any time. Lag time indeed directly affects your clients and their happiness with you.

By putting in place systems that help you where you need them most, you can keep your clients happy and go above and beyond their expectations with quick turnaround times. You can show them their pictures right after the shoot when they are still most excited. If you keep your clients happy, they’ll become active referrers and evangelists for your business, which will help you stay in business for a long time.

Create a Profitable Photography Business Strategy

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The main reasons why small businesses fail do not have a plan, having unrealistic goals, and not having enough money. To start a business practice, you need to look at where you are, what you want to do, and how you can do it in a way that makes money. It’s essential to have a clear plan for building a brand for effective business marketing, advertising, and visuals. Small businesses are built on the product/price list and good business software. Clients need to know what they can buy and how much it costs.

You should know that the business is selling the items to make money. Good business software lets companies track clients, orders, expenses, and profits. Many programs also include marketing strategy skills that are important to a company’s growth. Know for sure that time is money. It’s easy to figure out hard costs. To make a profit, the price of a product must also consider the time people put into making, marketing, and selling it. When photographers take pictures and sell them, they make money.

Suppose you don’t count the time you spend interviewing clients, editing, presenting work, post-processing, retouching, printing, framing, putting albums together, updating social media, and marketing. In that case, spending a lot of time for little pay is easy. Make a group. Outsource. Pay attention to making money.

Get Organized and Track Detail

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To run a business, you must have a system for an organization that works for you. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but if you don’t have a way to organize your photos, it will take a long time to find your early work when you have tens of thousands of images. You’ll also need a way to keep track of all your business files, such as contracts, orders, and information about your clients. Doing it from the beginning will be much easier to keep up as you get bigger.

Tracking your business details can help you make decisions in the future more than just knowing where all your files are. Monitoring the number of inquiries received, the percentage of queries that result in paid shots, the revenue generated by shoot type, the cancellation rate, etc., are a few examples.

For example, if you have a lot of cancellations, you can stop that by making the deposit non-refundable. If you already have a warranty and still have a lot of appointments cancelled, increase the deposit amount based on how big the package is or how long the shoot is.

Maximize your photo studio workspace

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Working in a small photo studio space makes it hard to get work done. Make sure you have more space than you need when you set up your product photography studio.

Mohit Bansal Chandigarh says, “When I plan a photo studio for a client, I sketch the ideal space, figure out how many square feet it will be, and double that number. I do this for two reasons: 1) you don’t get what you don’t ask for, and 2) more studio space means more production.” The space you need for your product photography studio depends on the following:

  • Photography equipment: The amount of space you need depends on the equipment you’ll be using. To take photographs, you’ll need a photographic table, lighting (continuous vs strobe, quantity of lights and stands), a backdrop, and any other specific equipment depending on the size of your merchandise (if taking rotating or 360 shots).
  • Product preparation: Almost every product must be prepared before the shoot. Think about the size, packaging, cleaning, and putting together the product.
  • Product staging: If you want to take good photos of products, you need an excellent workflow to set up the products and the products that have already been photographed. Think about the size of the product, the limits on the size of the order, and the return policies.


These six tips by Mohit Bansal Chandigarh can help you get your photography career and turn your hobby into a successful business. Work that makes you happy, days that mean something, and overall a more comfortable life, to name a few!

Read this blog also- 6 Ways To Turn Photos Into Movie Shots Using Adobe Lightroom Mobile

8 Things To Know About Cake Smash Photography

It is no secret that we love desserts, and if you’ve read any of our articles before then you know we also love photography. So when Mohit Bansal Chandigarh came up with the idea to combine these two passions in one… well let’s just say we were pretty excited about it!

What Is Cake Smash Photography

Cake smash photography is a fun and creative way to capture your family’s memories. All you need is some cake, some cups, and some photos. You can use whatever props you like to make your photos more interesting. For example, you can use a stand to create a photo booth setting. Or you can use colorful frosting to make your photos look like they were taken in a cartoon world. The sky is the limit when it comes to creativity when it comes to smash photography.

How to Plan a Cake Smash Session

If you’re looking for a fun and unique birthday party idea, consider planning a cake smash session! This activity is perfect for kids of all ages and can be done in just minutes. Here’s how to do it: 1. Pick a cake that your guests will love. If you have a few cakes left over from another event, that’s great too! 2. Serve the cake slices either whole or cut into small pieces. 3. Have your guests line up around the cake table and give them a piece of cake. 4. Once everyone has had their turn, start smashing the cake with a spoon, spatula, or your hands! It’s really fun to see everyone’s reaction when the cake starts crumbling! 5. As the cake begins to break down, use your fingers to get messy – it’ll look like you’re really enjoying yourself! Take a look at the following cake smash photography tips and tricks:

Set the mood with a theme!

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During his smash photography sessions, Mohit Bansal, a renowned photographer from Tricity, uses a large cupcake, a color-themed backdrop, and a variety of other props. The only thing you have to do is listen to your child’s ecstatic screams as they dive into the cake as the photographer captures photo after image that is simply perfect. You can always contact Mohit Bansal Chandigarh if you’d like to discuss anything in particular.

Discard the plastic high chair.

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High chairs are designed to make it easier for babies to feed themselves while minimizing the amount of mess they make. Cake smash photos are at their finest when the subject is messy. Mohit Bansal Chandigarh suggests shooting shots of the cake between their toes if the high chair is removed (and believe me, they will have cake between their toes). You want as much chaos as possible when photographing a cake smash, so putting the baby and the cake on a flat surface is key. The exception to this rule is if there is just one. For cake smash shots, a painted wooden high chair is an excellent choice. Cake smash photos can be enhanced by using painted wooden high chairs as accessories. The reason for this is that even a wooden high chair protects youngsters from ingesting cake.

Choose Your Cake With Care

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It’s likely that you’re not sure who should pick or buy the cake: the photographer, the kids, or the parents. In spite of the fact that some photographers include a genuine cake in the cake smash session, I always recommend that parents buy a real one for their child before the session. If a newborn has a food allergy to wheat, eggs, or anything else, the parents should make the determination. You may, however, provide some suggestions to the parents on the design of the cake. Consider the case of the one-year-old who destroyed the cake. They should be able to devour the cake without any difficulty. It’s recommended to keep the cake’s outside design modest so that it doesn’t take too much attention away from the baby and the celebrations taking place. It’s fine to put a topper on the cake, such as a “One” to mark the occasion if you so like. In addition to everything else, be sure to inform the parents that professionally-made cakes usually make for nicer photographs than those produced by the recipient.

Dial in your camera’s settings to get exactly what you want.

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When it comes to children, especially those under the age of one, it’s hard to predict what they’ll do. You don’t want to mess with your camera’s settings when photographing a cake smash since you could miss some picture-worthy moments.
  • When a youngster is running at top speed, you’ll want to use a fast shutter speed to catch the passing moments. By lowering the amount of blur produced by movement, using a shutter speed of 1/200 or quicker will help you shoot crisper photographs.
  • Aperture: Keeping as much of the frame in focus as possible is vital since the backdrop and the props that surround the person are likely to have received a lot of attention. Try to keep your aperture between f/2.8 and f/5.6 as much as possible, regardless of the light available.
  • The lowest ISO level is of utmost significance to me when it comes to reducing the amount of noise in the images. As soon as your ISO value gets too high, you should either try to adjust the other settings described above or consider increasing the amount of light in the scene. The true value of your ISO might vary. You may find more information on this subject in the next paragraphs.

Make sure that the Cake’s (and the baby’s) stability and safety are maintained

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According to Mohit Bansal Chandigarh, safety is a top priority when photographing children, and cake smash sessions are no different. As a rule of thumb, you should avoid cake stands that can easily tip over and injure the baby if they do fall on top of them. Taping it to the surface it’s presently resting on would be a good idea (table, floor, etc.).

Document the “cake smash” from any angle you can think of.

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Photographers are visual storytellers, and telling a good story requires not just a wide variety of perspectives but also a keen eye for composition. Regardless of whether we are recording the action at eye level or from above, every scene should feature a wide view, a medium shot, and a close-up picture. In this way, we can tell a more complete story and provide a variety of images for our loved ones to enjoy. If this is the case, make sure to clean up the workspace before the meeting begins. Because of this, you will be able to move about and find the best possible photo at any given time.

Avoid overdoing it with the lighting

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If possible, use natural light while photographing a cake smash. With natural light, you’ll be able to avoid the harsh shadows that sometimes appear without warning and keep the session feeling light and airy. Obviously, the amount of light available will affect whether or not you can photograph a cake smash using natural light, but in this situation, the less difficult the setting, the better. Use only one external flash from the camera and bounce it off of an umbrella or softbox if you need to add extra light to the scene. Keep things simple.


The message we want to portray in our images is easier to capture when we approach photography, in the same way, every time. Read this blog also- The Best Photography Prompts To Capture More Natural, Stunning Photos